Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hooked on MEF - Using MEF in ASP.NET MVC, and the Nerd Dinner MEF sample fix

I'm about to embark on a major project in Silverlight 4. In advance of that project, I've been exploring some of the newer technologies such as WCF RIA Services and the Microsoft Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF); both of which shipped in .NET 4.0. While my usage for MEF in Silverlight is more about plug-in and modular architectures, I also have a good bit of interest in MEF as a basic IoC mechanism too.

To get a handle on MEF, I decided to plug it into my TicketDesk 2.0 project, which is being written on the ASP.NET MVC platform. TicketDesk 2.0 uses a class library for all the business and entity framework bits. I generally avoid the IoC design pattern though, preferring instead to just use overloaded constructors; one that takes dependencies for unit testing, and the other that supplies default dependencies to be used by the application at runtime. This technique is common, and is sometimes called a poor-man's IoC. Insults aside, it is simple, easy to code, and works. Traditional IoC implementations on the other-hand tend to add complexity that doesn't do much to advance the application's core functionality.

But MEF is interesting because it offers functionality that can improve how the application actually works, and it has the by-product of being a decent, and simple, IoC container too.

Anyway, once I started using MEF for IoC in TicketDesk, I ran into a slight problem. See, MEF was designed with persistent applications like Silverlight in mind. But in an MVC web environment you have multiple user requests coming in, and many of the objects cannot easily be shared across multiple request threads. So using MEF in this environment requires that you deal with the fact that some objects have to be instantiated on a per-request basis, while others might be scoped to the entire application.

Fortunately, there is this genius person named Hamilton Verissimo de Oliveira (Hammett). Hammet is apparently one of the core devs on the MEF project, and he's done a good bit of writing about MEF in MVC environments. According to his blog, he's even working with the MVC team to get MEF officially supported in the ASP.NET MVC 3 platform.

His most recent sample code is a modified MEF enabled version of the Nerd-Dinner MVC sample application. Scott Hanselman blogged about the MEF version of Nerd Dinner and hosts the downloadable version of the code.

The code in the MEF version of Nerd Dinner is basically a beta of an extended version of MEF for use in MVC scenarios. It includes two class libraries that extend MEF and MVC. These extensions do two things:
  1. Provide lazy MEF compositions on a per-request or per-application basis as appropriate. The per-request composition allows your application to handle compositions only for objects you need to service a request at runtime, while the per-application composition can be used for shared application scoped needs.
  2. Provide convention driven MEF design pattern. MEF is normally attribute driven, where you explicitly declare exports and imports by decorating your code with MEF attributes. But MVC applications are convention driven, so this feature set allows MEF to auto-discover composable parts based on similar conventions... for example, the nerd dinner application treats controllers as composable exports without you having to decorate them with the MEF attributes.
Overall, the code is a mostly complete MVC compatible set of MEF extensions. But the nerd dinner sample only really uses MEF for an IoC design pattern... the models are declared as MEF exports and the extensions handle supplying the appropriate dependencies to the controllers at runtime. But nothing about the way this same is setup should, in theory, prevent you from using MEF in other ways such as a plug-in extensibility mechanism (which is MEF's strong suit anyway).

But... once I got to using the extensions in TicketDesk, I ran into a couple of unusual problems.

First, code in my referenced class library wasn't being passed to my controllers. If I moved the code into the MVC app itself though, it worked like a charm. Second, code in my MVC application that was marked as exports using attributes weren't being passed into constructors for objects in my class library. The nerd dinner example contains the models and controllers both directly in the MVC application assembly itself, so these issues didn't occur there. But once you split your code into two assemblies, things didn't work too smooth. Well... this is just sample software.

So... to track down and fix these problems.

One of the more confusing bits about the nerd-dinner code sample is how the MEF catalogs are built when the app starts up. In global.asax.cs the sample code looks like this:

protected override ComposablePartCatalog CreateRootCatalog()
    var agg = new AggregateCatalog();

    foreach (Assembly assembly in BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies())
        agg.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyDiscoveryCatalog(assembly));
        agg.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(assembly));

    return agg;

Basically this just loops through all the assemblies in the application and builds an Aggregate catalog of all the MEF composable parts from each assembly. What's odd though is that, for each assembly, it builds two separate catalogs and adds both to the aggregate catalog. One is a standard AssemblyCatalog, and the other is a custom type of catalog called an AssemblyDiscoveryCatalog which is part of the extended MEF code shipped with the Nerd Dinner example.

Now, the aggregate catalog is supposed to merge multiple catalogs, eliminating duplicates and all that... but why build two separate catalogs from each assembly in the first place? Shouldn't AssemblyDiscoveryCatalog alone contain all the parts from any one assembly?

Now... I have been unable to understand exactly what it is that causes the problems I was seeing. When I examine the catalogs in the debugger, and the way they are used, the aggregate catalog appears to contain all the composable parts it should. And when the controller factory is invoked, it finds the right controller, and uses a container that has all the right parts in it.

What I did find that was that by removing the duplicate catalog being created in global.asax.cs did fix the problem where my controllers weren't being given the imports when those parts were coming from the referenced class library.

I chose to remove the AssemblyCatalog from the aggregate, leaving just the AssemblyDiscoveryCatalog being added for each reference assembly.

protected override ComposablePartCatalog CreateRootCatalog()
    var agg = new AggregateCatalog();

    foreach (Assembly assembly in BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies())
        agg.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyDiscoveryCatalog(assembly));
        //agg.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(assembly)); 

    return agg;

This worked fine, but then I ran into the second problem... if my class lib needed imports from the MVC application, they weren't getting them... basically the opposite problem.
Digging deeper into the second problem, I was able to find a cause. The AssemblyDiscoveryCatalog type has a minor bug:

private IEnumerable InspectAssembliesAndBuildPartDefinitions()
    var parts = new List();

    foreach(var assembly in this.Assemblies)
        var attributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DiscoveryAttribute), true);

        if (attributes.Length == 0)
             parts.AddRange(new AssemblyCatalog(assembly).Parts);
            foreach (DiscoveryAttribute discoveryAtt in attributes)
                var discovery = discoveryAtt.DiscoveryMethod.New();
                var discoveredParts = discovery.BuildPartDefinitions(assembly.GetTypes());


    return parts;

First this code checks the assembly for a "DiscoveryAttribute". This attribute marks the entire assembly as one that contains classes for which the modified MEF system should "infer" composable parts based on conventions rather than by looking for the explicit MEF attributes. In the nerd dinner example, this attribute is declared at the top of the Conventions.cs class.

Notice how the code immediately afterwards works though. If the assembly isn't marked with the DiscoveryAttribute, it uses the standard MEF mechanisms to add all the parts to the catalog; those mechanisms do so by looking for the explicit MEF attributes in the code.

But when the assembly is marked with the DiscoveryAttribute, then the code does something quite different; it goes through the assembly looking for dynamically discoverable parts based on any defined conventions. It then adds those dynamically discovered parts to the catalog.

And that's the bug! The branch handling DiscoveryAttribute assemblies doesn't have any code that looks for traditional MEF parts declared by attributes!

So... all I had to do was modify this code so it adds both discoverable and inferred attributes both:

private IEnumerable InspectAssembliesAndBuildPartDefinitions()
    var parts = new List();

    foreach (var assembly in this.Assemblies)
        var attributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DiscoveryAttribute), true);

        parts.AddRange(new AssemblyCatalog(assembly).Parts); // add the standard MEF locatable parts
        if (attributes.Length > 0)
            //add any convention inferred parts 
            foreach (DiscoveryAttribute discoveryAtt in attributes)
                var discovery = discoveryAtt.DiscoveryMethod.New();
                var discoveredParts = discovery.BuildPartDefinitions(assembly.GetTypes());


    return parts;

Now we have a single kind of catalog that can locate both inferred and explicitly declared MEF parts in any assembly. And after this change, my MVC controllers are getting imports from the class lib, and the class lib is getting imports from the MVC app.

Everyone is happy...

Except that it still bugs me why having the two kinds of catalog added to the aggregate catalog keeps the controllers from getting imports from my class library. I suspect strongly though that this may be some kind of bug in the core MEF implementation, perhaps with how Lazy composition actually works.

But either way... fixing the bug in AssemblyDiscoveryCatalog allows you to handle everything in one kind of catalog and works around both problems.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A WMD markdown editor variant that works

I'm a big fan of markdown. If you've used Stack Overflow, then you are probably very familiar with markdown via their excellent variation of the WMD markdown editor. Markdown is popular in its way. A number of different web based content systems out there have adopted it, and there are plug-ins for a wide range of desktop utilities and development tools too.

But if you are just wanting a javascript based WYSIWYG style editor for use in your own web applications, you are kinda screwed; there just aren't a lot of markdown editors out there. I know of only two working markdown editors of any merit that aren't tied to some specific application; MarkItUp! by Jay Salvat and WMD by John Fraser.

WMD is fantastic, but John Fraser vanished from the net shortly after making WMD's initial code open source. His initial release was an obfuscated form, which makes it hard to deal with. He had plans to go ahead with a more developer friendly and advanced version of his editor, but it never happened. I have no idea what might have happened to John, but I suspect it was not good (active programmers don't typically disappear off the net entirely for years at a time without a trace). I do hope John is well, but the internet is a much poorer place without him I can tell you that!

MarkItUp! is also a fine editor in its own way, but it was not designed with Markdown as the primary target and it isn't exactly a WYSIWYG editor. Technically, MarkItUp! is just a markup editor with some macros on the toolbar. It does have support for the markdown syntax, and it does a decent job as a markup editor even with markdown's syntax. But using it to author content in markdown isn't very approachable for a public facing application. The editor is just a tad too "bare-metal".

WMD on the other hand is smoother and more viable. It is also more of a markup editor than a real WYSIWYG, but it does has some really subtle, but important features that help make authoring markdown content enjoyable. But John's baseline version has several pretty major problems, and since the source is obfuscated, fixing it up and customizing it is next to impossible.

Fortunately Dana Robinson and some others at Stack Overflow managed to de-obfuscate the original WMD source code, and published their their own Stack Overflow specific version over at github. Now! That was some fine work, and I really do appreciate Dana's contribution. But the Stack Overflow version stripped out a lot of the original WMD's configuration features, and has several Stack Overflow specific tweaks besides. The end result of the SO version is that you can't really control it well. For example, I've found it nearly impossible to instantiate the SO version of WMD via JavaScript in response to a user action (like showing the editor in a pop-up for example). The SO version also doesn't deal well with multiple instances on the same page.

There are quite a few branches from the SO version floating around on github. Fortunately there IS one branch that seems to have worked out most of the major problems and has actually advanced WMD quite a ways beyond the initial SO version. Anand Chitipothu maintains the openlibrary branch of WMD.
Basically, this version is a WMD in a JQuery wrapper. Anand has added back much of the configuration stuff that the SO branch broke, tweaked a few of the behaviors (in pleasant ways), fixed up the multi-editor support, and most importantly made the editor JavaScript/JQuery instantiable.

Overall, this is an excellent variant that can be used simply in just about any web application. It even has decent documentation too!

I'm using openlibrary / wmd Master branch tagged as 2.0, but there are a couple of minor catches I've found in this variant (as it was on July 1st 2010 anyway):

First, there is a random stray undeclared variable that blows up in chrome (I didn't check other browsers for this one).

The line with the problem is:

WMDEditor.Checks = Checks;

Commenting out this line fixes the problem simply enough.

The other problem is much more complex. Basically, when putting this together, Anand made some fundamental changes to how the code is arranged, and some of the stuff in an IE specific branch hasn't been property updated with the new object model yet (the author probably isn't testing in IE 8 yet). Fixing this is rather annoying to describe, but the simplest way to do it is:
  • do a search/replace for "wmd.ieCachedRange" and replace with "WMDEditor.ieCachedRange"
  • do a search/replace for "wmd.ieRetardedClick" and replace with "WMDEditor.ieRetardedClick"
I have to say that I'm not fully up-to-speed on the innards of WMD, so my fix may not be optimal here... but it seems to work OK in my limited usages so far.

For your convenience I've made my own variation of jquery.wmd.js and available for download. All of the lines I altered end with "//SMR". I am not including the minified version, but you should make your own minified for use in production environments. (43.40 kb)


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Using T4 templates to generate DataAnnotations buddy classes for EF 4 entity models

One of the more frustrating things for me lately has been leveraging the ASP.NET MVC 2 validation support using DataAnnotations with a generated Entity Framework 4 model.

Wow! That's was a mouthful!

Anyway, it's great that the MVC Framework 2.0 can leverage DataAnnotations for both validation, as well as stuff like generating label text and such. Fantastic! But, for reasons that remain retarded, Microsoft chose not to include DataAnnotations attributes with generated EF 4 entity models. You can generate the models, and the models have attributes that mirror many of the ones DataAnnotations uses, but the attributes EF 4 generates are useless for use with MVC 2.0's validation features.

DataAnnotations does have a rather interesting mechanism that you can use to add the annotations to your generated model though. You can't add the attributes directly to the generated code of course, they'd just get blown away next time the code gen ran. And you can't add the annotations to a custom partial class that extends the entities because the partial classes cannot each define two properties with the same name.

Instead, what you are supposed to do is this:
  • Create a custom "meta" class (sometimes called a buddy class) that mimics the entity's public properties
  • Annotate the public properties in the custom meta class using attributes from Data Annotations
  • Create a partial class that extends the generated entity you are annotating
  • Flag the custom partial entity class with an attribute called MetadataTypeAttribute to link the entity class to the meta class where the annotations live  
Assuming you have a generated EF 4 entity named "Ticket", this will look something like this:

public partial class Ticket
    //whatever extensions I might want to the entity

    /// Class that mimics the entity so you have a place to put data annotations
    internal sealed class TicketMetadata
        [DisplayName("Ticket Id")]
        public int? TicketID { get; set; }

So, we have a way to add the annotations to our generated model, but you have to manually code this up... which is a BIG pain in the ass honestly, especially for larger entity models.

This is a job for T4, but I have no interest in modifying the core T4 templates that generate the actual EF 4 entity model. Fortunately Raj Kaimal was kind enough to blog his custom T4 template for generating metadata buddy classes.

This is a pretty slick template that auto generates meta classes by just looking at an EF 4 generated edmx file. The template is super simplistic. It doesn't account for complex types, and there isn't a built-in mechanism where you can custom override or control how the attributes are generated. For example, the T4 generates the display name by just word-splitting at the capital letters in a Pascal cased property name. So if you want a different display name, there isn't a way to override the generated display name. The template does generate the meta classes as partials, so you can implement your own extension to catch any of the complex types that the template cant automatically generate attributes for.

But because this template is so super-simple, it is a great place to start if you wanted to create your own template that can account for more complex needs specific to your own application.

In my case, I found the template useful for generating the buddy classes initially, but then I just removed the T4 template and customized the code it had generated directly. That way I could make my customizations without worrying about the T4 over-writing my changes later. The T4 saved me a boat-load of time though by just doing that initial code generation, and the code it produced was about 95% sufficient for the final product's data annotation needs.

The annoyance of using data annotations with EF models comes up so often for me that I'm seriously considering writing a Visual Studio Extension, or my own complex T4 template to deal with the problem. Sadly, I doubt I'll ever find the time to actually write the code though.