Friday, September 12, 2008

Google Chrome: Under the hood!

Google's new Chrome browser, which I reviewed earlier this week, is planned as a platform on which Google will build out more ambitious web applications...

My own review covered Chrome mostly from the user's perspecive, but I didn't get too deep into the internal mechanics and future possibilities that Chrome offers... mostly because I'm still playing catch-up myself.

For a reasonably in-depth overview of Chrome's technical design, e-week has posted a fantastic overview. This article hits the technical highlights of the new design. If you want to dig deeper, Google has a decent start on developer resources... but hopefully we'll see more coherent and comprehensive developer documentation in the near future.

I should be interesting to see where Chrome goes in the next couple of years.

I also wanted to point out that, while Chrome is getting a lot of press related to the technical design and future plans Google has for making Chrome a full application platform, there is a lot of very similar stuff going on with Internet Explorer 8 too... it just isn't getting the same level of press coverage. If anyone falling behind in this area it is Firefox and Opera... though Firefox has a very good development team and a reputation for very rapid development, so I'm sure they should be able to keep pace. With Opera I'm not so sure though.

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