Monday, September 15, 2008

StackOverflow is open to the public!


StackOverflow is open to the public!

StackOverflow is a community driven developer Q&A site... the general idea is to be an Experts Exchange type community that doesn't charge for sharing information and doesn't use dirty tactics to link-whore search rank. If you are interested you can read my previous rant about ExpertSexChange.

The StackOverflow site is a joint venture between the famous Joel Spolsky of Fog Creek Software and Joel on Software and  Jeff Atwood of the also famous Coding Horror blog, though a lot of the development effort for the site involved some other people that I don't know too much about too.

So far, I like the general feel of the site. I honestly can't say yet how useful it will be since there aren't enough questions or users yet...  but if anyone can pull together a definitive software development wiki-forum kinda thing, it would be these two industry heavy-weights.

My only complaint so far is that it uses OpenID... and I absolutely HATE OpenID... whatever... a minor issue.

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