Saturday, February 14, 2009

TicketDesk 1.2 Stable Release

I've just published the stable release for TicketDesk 1.2 over on CodePlex!

This release took much longer than I'd hoped, but it does significantly improve on the previous release in nearly every functioinal area.

TicketDesk is an open source help desk issue tracking system. Unlike many similar products, TicketDesk strives for simplicity for both end users and help desk staff.   

New in this release:

  • New Ticket Viewer/Editor
    • Rich Text Editor for comments and ticket details
    • Improved Work-Flow for resolved, closed, and more-info tickets
    • Smoother UI
  • Improved TicketCenter
    • Multi-Column sorting
    • Better Filtering
    • Remembers view settings between sessions
    • Improved performance
  • Improved Attachment Handling
    • Upload multiple attachments
    • Upload attachments for new tickets
    • Attachment Description field
    • Ability to add comments with uploading attachments
  • New Email Notification System
    • History and Activity stored in DB
    • Intelligently cuts spam when multiple updates occur rapidly
    • Automatic retry for failed deliveries
  • Customizable RSS feeds
  • Advanced error logging with ELMAH

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