Monday, February 16, 2009

Windows Vista - Stop changing my folder view based on file types

One of the most annoying things about Vista for me is the way it constantly tries to "guess" what kinds of files are in a folder and then change how windows explorer displays the contents of the folder.

This is especially annoying since I tend to use the "Details" view in windows explorer.

There is a really simple application that can fix this problem right up for you though...

You can control this setting on a folder by folder basis, and there is also a simple little registry hack that can make vista stop guessing what kinds of files are in your folder and attempting to "help" by screwing up your view settings. This and more is described in some detail over at HowToGeek.

But if you, like me, would rather have a simple tool to do the trick, go get ExplorerView. It is a simple little app that can toggle about 4 different settings for you.

As for this "feature"... I sure hope it gets axed in Windows 7. It is about the dumbest-ass idea I've seen to date for the WIndows Explorer UI (and there have been a LOT of dumb-ass ideas in that area before). Why would anyone assume that I'd want the format of an entire "list" of files to change just because "some" of those files are videos or music files?

How that makes any sense at all is beyond me!

What is most annoying is the lack of any obvious way to change that behavior or control it directly in the Windows Exporer UI. Sure... there is a sort of option to fix it for a specific folder, but the option is buried in the options in such a counter-intuative way that they may as well have just not bothered to put in the configuration option for it at all.

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