Saturday, March 21, 2009

So long Sci Fi Channel, but I doubt you will be missed...

The Sci Fi Channel has always been one of the most confusing failures in American Television. Now, they have decided that the reason for the suckitude must just be the name of the channel.

So they are changing the name to "Syfy". Somehow they think that this move will make their crappy shows appeal to a broader range of people.

Reading an article at TV Week about I have to say, the reason this network sucks has never been clearer...

Thinking back on the successes of the Sci Fi channel, and there are some, you end up with a list that goes a little like this (in no apparent order):
  • Stargate (and variants)

  • Battlestar Galactica

  • Dune (mini-series)

  • Eureka
They also had a lot of successes with second-run shows like Doctor Who. But there is one thing that all of these have in common.... they are actually Science Fiction shows.

In the article one of the founders, Mr Brooks, says this:

"We spent a lot of time in the ’90s trying to distance the network from science fiction, which is largely why it’s called Sci Fi"


I noticed!

While the Sci Fi channel was making cash from a couple of decent first run Sci Fi shows,They were dumping all their time and money into funding the absolute most amazingly bad screenplays I've ever even heard of.

I mean... "Mansquito"!


And that bastardization of Earthsea?

My 9th grade creative writing class wrote better screenplays than that... and I went to public school in a backwoods part South Carolina!

So yeah, we noticed the distance between your network and Sci Fi... really... we did.

Mr Brooks also had this to say:

"The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular"

You know... I get the distinct impression that the problem with the Sci Fi channel isn't that the market doesn't like Sci Fi shows, the problem is that the management at the Sci Fi channel themselves don't like Sci Fi shows.

I think one of the commenters from the TVWeek article (posted by "tijir") said it best:

Kind of funny, some of the biggest shows on television would be a perfect fit on Sci Fi. I'm talking about Heroes, Terminator Sara Conner Chronicals, Chuck, Fringe, and Smallville. Showing that "general" audiences like fantasy/sci fi programming and the one channel that could give it to them big time is "re-branding" itself as siffy.

So Sci Fi managment... go ahead and change the name. It isn't as if the Sci Fi channel has actually been helping put decent content on the air anyway. The few successful shows you've had would have been just as well off, if not better off, on other networks anyway.

I do not expect your network to survive the name change, but after over a decade of watching you guys shit all over the genre you were named after I don't think I care if you make it or not anyway.

I'm just annoyed that someone actually got paid real money to mismanage an entire network for so long.

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